By Randy Trevino | Local Happenings
This past year, Scioto County ranked number one in the state for overdose deaths. As nearly every family in our area knows all too well, the solution is not one that is easily found.
Hopesource, a local mental health and substance abuse treatment provider, is helping individuals and families heal and learn a new way of life. This is a gift that most of them never thought was possible.
These people are often cast off by society and left to their own devices. Our community decided to take a stand. Within our great city of Portsmouth, places like Hopesource are helping real members of our community break free from addiction and beat the odds.
Hopesource is staffed with wonderful caring people who ensure that they are providing the best care for each person just as if they were someone from their own family.
Each story below is from a person who is truly thankful for the people, care and a new hope that they have been given.
"My name is Ihley. I am an addict. I lived the street life for 30 years abusing and selling drugs. I've been to multiple treatment centers, but it wasn't until I found Hopesource that I really found a new meaning to life. Hopesource didn't just give me a packet and say fill it out like most places do. Hopesource put counselors around me to challenge the way I think. They understand a man like me, and knew it would be hard to reverse my thinking. I can proudly sit here and say Hopesource gave my mom a son back. Hopesource gave 7 kids a father back, and Hopesource changed my life. I celebrate 6 months of sobriety today, and I manage a restaurant because Hopesource helped me understand what love is. Hopesource didn't give up on me when I failed, but encouraged me to keep trying. The way counseling is set up in the men's house with Katie, Bobby, Sean, and Chuck is great. The R.A. staff that spent time with me when I was going through personal issues can never be forgotten. Hopesource saved my life all because Jay Hash answered his calling."
"They helped save my life. They have helped me get my family back, starting me on the path to get my adult diploma, and my STNA. They are helping me to transition back into society. They have helped me love myself. Without Hopesource and their staff, I would not be who I am today. I love the person I am now."
"When I went into Hopesource I was broken and lost. Since I’ve been a client of Hopesource they have taught me that I could love myself. They have loved me when I couldn’t love myself. I have been a client of Hopesource since 2015. They never gave up on me. This time when coming into treatment, I came in on November 6, 2019. Before that I was in jail. I am still in their transitional program where they have helped me get a job and given me an opportunity to rebuild relationships with my family. Now I get to be a sister to my brothers and sister, and a daughter to my father when my mom died. I don’t know where I would be without them. I know I would still be a lost broken junkie. Without the help of Hopesource I could possibly be dead. Today I can say I have over a year sober all thanks God and to Hopesource."
"Here's what I have to say about Hopesource; they have allowed me the time and safe place to grieve and heal from the passing of my mother in a steady, healthy, and productive manner. I'm able to experience this healing right beside my sister in the transitional living program. They provide a home, food, and all the sober support that I need. Several different forms of counseling, recovery meetings, and peer support are available to me whenever I need them. I'm given the opportunity to obtain employment wherever possible with Hopesource supporting me and having my back. Last but not least, I am given another chance to repair relationships with my children and my family while maintaining my sobriety and being held accountable by people who care. The staff that work for Hopesource don't act as if this is just their job. I can genuinely see and feel the compassion, love, and concern that they continuously show each and every lady that comes through this program. Hopesource helped save my life and I can't ever thank them enough."
"Let me start by saying I thought I was going to die with a needle in my arm. Actually I would say a silent prayer hoping my next shot would be the one that took me out and took me out of my misery. I was a poor excuse for a daughter, a sister, and my son only called me mom because society says that's what you are "supposed to do". Nothing or nobody meant anything to me unless you had my next "fix". After twenty years of being completely hopeless and living in the depths of my addiction, I was arrested for the “umpteenth” time. This time my family had written me off and told me I'd never see me son again if I didn't get help. I laid in the Scioto County Jail contemplating jumping off the top tier to kill myself because I was so dope sick and just couldn't take it anymore. It was then that Hopesource came to see me to ask me some questions about if I was ready to change my life. I remember telling her if they weren't there the next day to get me to just leave me there and I'd do my time. They came four days later and I ran out of that metal door for what would be the last time. Hopesource took a chance on me. They were understanding and genuinely cared about my recovery. I found a friendship and a sisterhood with the ladies I was housed with that I had never had before with other females. My counselors were also in recovery and gave me the raw truth of what I had to do in order to recover. I had a mental health counselor that helped me get my racing thoughts slowed down, and coping skills that I continue to use daily. So when I say Hopesource helps save lives, I'm speaking from a personal experience. I would not be on this remarkable journey and working a program of recovery if they didn't take a chance on me and see something in me that I never knew existed."
It's plain to see that Hopesource truly consists of a team of dedicated professionals providing the standard of care we would wish for our dearest relatives. The reasons we have as a community to be thankful for Hopesource are innumerable.
As of this writing, Hopesource is caring for some of my dearest relatives. Jay Hash, and the team of professionals at Hopesource, have changed the lives of people and families through love and compassion with a level of care that is second to none.
If you or a family member would like to learn more about Hopesource, visit their website